
Singing Meditation

What is Kirtan?
The word Kirtan means ‘the song in praise of’. It is a call and response form of singing meditation typically shared in Hindi or Sanskrit which is connected to the ancient language of mantra. Mantras are sacred sounds and word formulas that were discovered by poet saints and sages of India over 3,000 years ago.

The Vedas describe 3 systems that build a path towards self-realisation: devotion, knowledge and action. Kirtan forms part of the Bhakti tradition which is known as the yoga of devotion. Its main expression is through the sharing of music and poetry in community.

Our Kirtan Tradition in London

Devotion’ means different things to different people. For you that might be God, nature, a religion or any practice that helps you consciously connect to the true self that connects us all.

When Dr. Francis Roles (founder of The Study Society) first started to visit his teacher in India he asked about the role of Kirtan at ashram gatherings. H.H. Shantanand Saraswati described Kirtan as an external counterpart to meditation that can help people relieve tension, learn how to ‘attend’, re-charge and become happier:

‘“here are different ways of devotion: to study spiritual literature, to sing spiritual songs, to give help to others, to worship, to pray, to meditate. One has only to see that we do it inwardly as well as outwardly (…)The rhythmic sound creates a tempo, or rather subtle rhythm of vibration which unites the body, mind, and heart of people and the come under the influence of high emotion of Higher self (…) after all, music is the extension of the Mantra system.“

Kirtan chanting calms restless minds, promotes clarity of focus and helps dissolve anger and anxiety. It is a loving act of kindness that connects us to our true nature and the universal consciousness we all share.

You don’t need to be a good singer to chant. It’s not about giving a performance. The intention of Kirtan is to use the power of voice and mantra to generate a sense of wellbeing and come together as one.

We offer different Kirtan events in the heart of London, discover more on our calendar 👇

Kirtan with Sarka
Kirtan with Nik Parmar
Kirtan with Music as Medicine