Rumi & Friends Poetry Gatherings

The Rumi & Friends Poetry Gatherings are facilitated by Kim Shams Richardson, a long- term member of The Study Society and a Mevlevi Turner since 2006. Kim is a publisher of poetry collections, especially haiku and related forms. He is also a teacher and retreat guide in the Inayatiyya Sufi Order.

In our monthly poetry gatherings we share readings of poetry by Mevlana Jalalu’ddin Rumi and by other poets from all of the world’s mystical and spiritual traditions, languages and historical eras. The poems are shared as a meditation, ‘listening with the ear of the heart’. The meeting begins and ends with a period of silent contemplation.

Please bring a poem to share.

If you have any questions you are most welcome to email Kim at

These meetings are offered free of charge. Please consider making a donation to The Study Society to support the charity.